Dan Sorrell
Digital Content Coach

Dan Sorrell, is a Business Technology Consultant and Instructor. He is passionate about empowering creativity, collaboration, and communication by breaking down technical ideas, making them simple, manageable and fun. As a trained Audio Engineer Dan Sorrell is particularly passionate about the Power of Podcasting, and how it can help your business grow. That is why he is on a mission to share his excitement and expertise so you too can join the Podcast Revolution!
POWERTALK -- > The Power of Podcasting: How to use Podcasting in strategic, non-traditional ways to promote and enhance your business.
WORKSHOP --> The Podcast Revolution: Podcast Monetization Secrets Revealed.
Table --> The Podcast Experience: Create your free mini-podcast recording!
Every business can benefit from increased brand awareness and positive exposure. Podcasting is the quickest, cheapest and easiest way to attain immediate international multi-platform distribution of your message! Entrepreneur Academy provides the complete solution, including equipment, software, personalized strategy, production, and distribution, all designed for the non-techie small business owner.